One on One Class
One on One Class
Up to 4 hr one on one classes are available on Sundays only.
After purchase ($150 deposit) please email with your order number to schedule your class date and time. Remainder of balance is due in cash or Zelle at the beginning of the class.
Class topics include:
•Taking and transferring measurements
•Drawing guidelines
•Basic sewing machine training
•Bleaching knots
•Wig construction
Take home kit is only provided to Pro and Deluxe class members.
Deluxe kit comes with high quality raw bundles to use during class, as well as my Brazilian hair vendor. My vendor also does my packaging. Vendor normally sold for $350 on its own. A great deal to begin your brand!
Deluxe classes must be booked 2 weeks before intended class. You may choose up to 24” bundles.